Valoració econòmica de les dades de l’enquesta de Població Activa referent al 2n trimestre de 2019
17/09/2019Tertulia amb Carme García Jarque (Vocal del Comité ejecutivo de la Patronal catalana PIMEC), per comentar la situació dels autónoms ( a partir min. 11 50s).

Jaume Quibus
The actuary and economist Jaume Quibus holds a master’s degree in Financial Economics and Accounting, a degree in Actuarial and Financial Sciences, a degree in Economic and Business Studies from the University of Barcelona and has completed the Management Development Programme at the IESE Business School of the University of Navarra. He is a full member of the following associations: the Catalan Actuarial Association, the Spanish Actuarial Association, the Catalan Economists Association, the International Actuarial Association, the Catalan Association of Accounting and Management and also a member of the IESE Business School Alumni. He was a founding partner in 1998 of the actuarial company Quibus, and is corporate member number 6 in the Catalan Actuarial Association.