Actuarial Consultants
Specialised management of financial, operational, strategic and actuarial risk
At Quibus we are specialists in evaluating and mitigating risks for companies. We focus on your obligations related to pensions, income schemes and early retirement.
With experience that spans over a quarter of a century and a thorough mastery of the areas within our speciality, we offer actuarial services of the highest professional and ethical quality. We specialise in providing our clients with strategic advice on supervising and controlling operations, based on our clearly defined values.
Independent, qualified actuaries, working with the most advanced technology and using the top data science programming languages, involving numerous active communities and learning resources. We also make it easy to uphold and expand the code. All of this with the aim of achieving excellence in our work.
Our mission is to provide security and peace of mind for companies with respect to the financial challenges and risks they face in the management of their pension scheme obligations. For individuals, it is to coach and guide them so they can meet their expectations about building up savings and capital for their retirement.
We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our practices. We adhere to the professional Code of Ethics of the Spanish Actuarial Association (IAE) and the Catalan Actuarial Association (CAC). Our commitment is to accuracy and detail in each analysis and assessment following exhaustive research. We work in close collaboration with our clients to understand and meet their specific needs. We also encourage continuous learning and professional development among our collaborators.
Excellent relationships within the insurance and pensions sector, based on independence and professionalism. This is important in solving our clients’ problems.
We invite you, if you are not already a client, to discover how our commitment to confidentiality, experience and cutting-edge technology will drive your success. Contact us to explore personalised solutions designed for your specific needs.
1Financial Risk
Mistakes in structuring the pension scheme or in verifying contributions lead to unexpected costs and even the need to make additional contributions. With negative consequences for the company’s cash flow, results and liabilities.2Legal and Compliance Risk
Regulations relating to personal pension schemes are becoming increasingly complicated. If a company does not comply with the regulations, it could face sanctions, fines and lawsuits.3Reputational Risk
Mistakes in the management of group pension schemes or company insurance schemes may damage the company’s reputation. This could have a negative impact on how the company is perceived by its employees, investors and the general public.4Impact on Attracting and Retaining Talent
A badly-managed company insurance schemecould dissuade the best executives and employees from joining the company or cause them to seek other opportunities. People are the key to everything.
Quibus is an independent society. We are not linked to any financial entities, companies or associations. Our client is our one exclusive priority
5Risk of Employee Lawsuits
Executives and employees affected by mistakes in the scheme may take legal action against the company, involving costs for long legal proceedings and complex agreements.6Risk of Dependence on an Insurance Company
Any problems related to insurance companies and pension fund managers have a direct impact on a company with a group company insurance scheme.7Liquidity Risk
If the company needs to move its pension scheme from one insurance company to another, mistakes in planning this move are directly attributed to the company, its plan assets and its capacity to fulfil its commitments to employees in terms of pensions.8Operational Risk
A lack of checks on premium contributions, benefit payments, tax treatment or the need for a Statutory Auditor’s Report can all lead to operational and financial problems.9Asset Risk
The high volatility of the financial markets since the launch of monetary policies by central banking has had a major influence on asset valuations. High risk of incurring deficits in financing pension commitments.
Our Commitment: Confidentiality, Experience and Advanced Technology at our Clients’ Service

Confidentiality is one of the key pillars of our professional code of ethics ensuring that all our clients’ information is managed with complete discretion and security.
Our team guarantees reliable and accurate results, endorsed by a proven track record of success.
We are proud of our ability to adapt to each client’s unique deadlines and requirements, by offering personalised solutions that fit their specific needs perfectly.
We work with the most advanced technology, not only in programming, but also regarding the source of regulations, data and knowledge, in order to be accurate, efficient and effective.
We invite you, if you are not already a client, to discover how our commitment to confidentiality, experience and cutting-edge technology will drive your success. Contact us to explore personalised solutions designed for your specific needs.
Our main services
All our knowledge and experience in actuarial consultancy and company pension plans, occupational pension schemes and other pension plans is also available for individuals and their needs.
Quibus conducts an in-depth study and dedicates as much time as is necessary to understanding the factors which create value and the dynamics which characterise a company’s business or a person’s situation, in order to deal successfully with the complex requirements that a valuation involves.
Since 1988, we have been managing the actuarial, financial, investment and legal aspects of group personal pension schemes and other pension plans, insurance contracts, retirement insurance and Unit Linked products for our business clients.
Since 1998, we have been managing the actuarial, financial, investment and legal aspects of occupational pension schemes for our business clients and public administration.
Calculate your savings for the day you retire or the pension you will receive for the rest of your life.